

If we have pure and clear intension we will definitely get the particular object or job or whatever we want.

Intensions are of different types, which works or we can say which are activated inside all of us in different ways and perspectives.

People may have an intension to get a job, some have to get a home, food, success, opportunity, attention, importance, to defeat someone and even some have intension to get a particular person in their life….. Like a friend, sister, brother, parents or may be a life partner.

So,……., Basically intensions plays a biggest role in our lives, whether in making our life and in destroying our lives.

A person sometimes can lose anything or anyone which he / she have or got easily by their intensions and a person can win or get anything or anyone which he/she haven’t yet in their life.

…… Think about it. It’s very very much important fact and concept of our life.


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