My Father

My father is a great guy,
To say that I never feel shy.
He is a diamond of rings,
I always want to sings.
I know how to fly because, He gives me wings.
He is a center gems of my crown,
When I am with him, I never feel down.
He is always present in my pendel,
He teaches me to overcome every hurdle.

As easy as winning the battle,
It is more difficult to win it.
once it breaks,
Reconnecting is hard.
There is a strong bond between loved ones,
Then whether it is evening or morning.
when it passes,
We are never bored.
Nor would we be afraid of anyone,
It makes everyone fearless.
When it is realized in relationships,
Only then the faith in everyone increases.
Everyone wants it to be inhabited,
Every courtyard and every house.

Monsoon is the love season,
And it’s mention without any reason.
Winter is cold,
We are feeling like a mould.
Summer is hot,
We have not to forgot.
Autumn is dry,
We want to fly high.
Springs are beautiful,
Because everything looks colourful.
All seasons have their own existence.
They also have their own persistence.
I love all,
So, what if I am not tall.
The most favourite one of mine is spring,
I love to take a swing.
Because it’s the season when I born,
Everyone wants flowers without any thorn.

The tune that decorates with breath,
The one who recites the murli of love,
Tell the pain of a sad heart,
Who wakes up the sleeping,
The one who gives victory to the defeated,
The one who awakens the hope of meeting,
The separated lovers who reunited,
The one who awakens the desire to get,
The one who shows the way to the lost
The tears that stole from the eyes,
The one who awakens the brightness of the spirit,
Awaken the spirit of patriotism,
The one who lights the flame of devotion,
The one who adorns the seven notes like pearls,
That’s music, that’s music, that’s music.
Month of the year
May, may may
I want to say
You taught me in the way
I need some clay
And don’t want to slay
How and what I have to eat
Only by taking some seat
If, we eat in the manner of bad
We always feeling so sad
If we eat healthier
We also feel wealthier
May, may, may
I want to say
You taught me in the way.
Beautiful ride on Moon 🌜

Moon moon in the night,
Lovely Moon shines bright.
Oh my dear don’t fight,
Lovely Moon shines bright.
This scene looks beautiful sight,
Lovely Moon shines bright.
Moon moon in the night,
Lovely Moon shines bright.
It soothen my soul,
Not only me; but All.
Moon moon in the night,
Lovely Moon shines bright.
It always make my mood,
It is full of soul’s food.
Moon moon in the night
Lovely Moon shines bright.
It takes me on the flight,
Without any more blight.
Moon moon in the night,
Lovely Moon shines bright.
Oh my dear don’t fight,
Lovely Moon shines bright.
Income athanni and expenditure rupees,
Her brother spoke to her sister.
Read as much as you can
Otherwise, when dreams will have to win,
have to fly,
have to spend,
have to bear the responsibility,
and need to find identity
Then the sticks will fall on us,
And we will miss our mother.
Old Age
On the verge of old age,
Whenever someone asks this.
Did you find what you lost
Then his mind used to think.
First comes to mind,
Who was ours? Who is a stranger
Who made us laugh so much,
And who made you cry so much!
When the account of oneself and others is added,
Then this heart beats and listens to everything.
Finally came work experience,
That\’s all we earned in return.
If the deeds are good then the mind breathes peace,
If the deeds are bad then the mind is always restless.
On the verge of old age,
Often every mind understands that.