Students Life

Life is a blank Canvas, we have to add colours into it to make it beautiful. Students life is full of learning and fun. There are so many rolar coaster ride in a student’s life. They have to maintain the balance and always try to choose right way. Students life is a gate way to entering into the world. Each amd everyone have their own perspectives their own vision.
If I talk about my life when I was a student. I firstly wanted to say I was a student, I am a student and I always remain a student, because there are so many things that our surrounding people teaches us. If we are willing to learn, we can learn so many things from everyone. Everyone is a New fresh book, which can teaches us so many things. Even I also larned ao many things from my elders, colleagues and youngers and also from my students.
When I was a student, I was sincere, shy, introvert and calm minded and less talkative. My teachers said we never heard how’s her voice? Some teachers replied that they can listen my voice during singing and poetry competitions. I didn’t had so many friends as I was so reserved by nature. I won so many prizes and certificates during my schooling and college life. First of all I was always willing to participate in each and every events. So, my teachers ready wrote my name in every activities. My purpose was not related to won tht task. I only wanted to participate everything to learn and to enjoy. I thought we should know each and everything.
I got prizes in dacing, singing, poetry, essay writing, sketching, painting. Among sports I participate in each and every tasks except running. That is another thing that I never got any prize in sports, but I definitely participate in that also. In sports I love badminton. I play badminton every evening with my parents and siblings.
I got took part in district level competitions and won prizes in sketching of mahapurush (I made skech of Idira Gandhi and got 3rd prize in district level), essay writing and paintings related to pollution and road protection. I was not all time topper student. But yeah I was among them are considered in that category. I won Miss LASEA prize from the blessed hands of our Principal sir (during our farewell party) and I got topped during that time in my 12th standard.
When I was entered into college life I won 2nd prize in a poster competition of intercollege competition during my and when I was in b.ed. college I won first prize in a fancy dress competition as a Krishna during janmastami. During M.Sc. I took part in welcoming UGC director in or college. During that time we didn’t had any competition programs. But we enjoyed a lot during our freshers party given by our seniors and during their farewell party that had been given by us. I strongly had an urge to take part in anchoring and my dream came true during my b.ed. college. When my father went to my hostel warden said that if they had a daughter like me they can bear 20 daughters, that day my father felt so proud and I was also so happy to him happy.
If I talked about my student life let me know you that from my school life to college life teachers always choose me to sing National Anthem, National Song and Saraswati Vandana. I must say that I am the blessed and luckiest one that have an amazing parents and always got amazing teachers. I am feeling proud to be my parent’s daughter and my teacher’s student. Because they all creating me what I am today. They always motivates and appreciates me. They never let me down. They always motivates me to be more and more sharp and Shining. So, I em truly, truly grateful to them all.
Today students life become so tough. We have to improve their life. Their innocence nature also effects. They becomes more mature than their age. Burden of studies is also too much and increasing day by day. They don’t know how to enjoy their life as a student. They don’t know how to enjoy a student’s life. Their physical activities also slows down. We have to protect their innocency. We have to make their life fun-filled and beautiful. We have to give the right direction to them so, that they can also remind their life with a beautiful life in future.

Sometimes a question arise in our mind that “Who is a man ?
“What is the definition of a man ?
“Who is called as a Real man or a great man ?
So, here is a story of a great man, which concluded and gives answers of our all queries related to a “MAN”.
One day a couple fought with each other. Gradually, fight caught extreme fire and was going to convert into a “blast”.
I was come across them and asked to one of their near one about their fight. He told me about their fight, which had so ridiculous reason and how their near ones make it so huge and explosive.
I was stay there to see what was going to happen next. After few minutes, the lady was rushed into the another room and shut the door. People around them inspire the man to break the relation with her as she was so loud and asked some questions to him in some sorts.
Husband rushes into that room and with his wife holding her hand. He brought her in front of that guy who talked him to left his wife, and said- “Do you know who is she?” he again asked him – “Do you know what she did with me?” The guy was silent having nothing to speak. Husband said- “She is the woman who left her home, her loved ones, many of her dreams and desires for me and came with me to make my home Heaven. She sacrifices so many of her dreams and desires for me and for my loved ones. She worked hard for us so that, we can fulfil our dreams and desires. Yes, she was so out loud and questioned so much before few minutes. But it doesn’t mean we doesn’t love each other and she has right to question if she feels and deserves the correct answer of her all queries also she has right to speak out loud and get angry, if she don’t like anything in anyway.”
The guy was surprised and left the room quietly. This story explained about a “Real Man”, who always admire, respect and support his wife, no matter how hard situations seems.
~ Real man also exist in this world, believe me and think about it.
The best day of my life

I remember that day when I was in my 12th standard and that was our last day. Me and my classmates were ready for our farewell. I went to my best friend’s home and we are in saree, because that was our dress code. We both were waiting eagerly for others and their call.
Suddenly phone was rang and one of my classmate called us at her house. We both rushed there and went together at our school in my car.
Our teachers looked at us surprisingly and said that we all are looking so beautiful and stunning. Many activities had been taken. At last Principal sir had come and announced the name of Miss LASEA (Lady Anusuya Singhania Educational Academy; name of my school). My best friend was sitting besides me and was continuously saying that sir was going to announce my name and I was predicted her name.
Suddenly sir announced my name and I was shocked. I looked at my best friend’s face and she was saying- “Go, just go sir is announcing your name.” I was really so much surprised. I went towards the Principal sir and took the gift from him and touched his feet to take his blessings. My best friend was really happy and said that I deserves it. That day was really so much rem and best day of my life. Because I got that prize surprisingly. I even don’t know and care about that.
After few days our result also declared and I topped my class. So these two biggest achievements makes my life’s best day.
My Favourite Pastime

I changed my school in 12th standard but that brought full of new changes in my life. I learnt basketball, table tennis and many more sports during that time.
As I had opted physical education alongwith science biology. So, I have to perform some sports activities also. Since my childhood how much I was good in my studies and other activities. I was very bad at sports activities. Specially I was so poor in running.
In 12th standard, I remembered that the very first time in my life I took part in high jump. And that was compulsory because that was our practical day. So, I couldn’t skip that.
I completed it amazingly and Sir announced that I scored highest marks among all. That was really shocking and surprising for me to achieve it like that as it was my first time and I direct took part in that in practicals. So, that is my favourite pastime and really memorable moments and I visit there anytime and whenever I wanted to, in my thoughts. It also keeps me motivated.

In the “Hindu” society, quite often some incidents about casteism come to the fore. What is this racism after all? Why do people discriminate? What mentality of people is responsible behind this?
I remember since childhood I never felt this kind of discrimination. All good people looked the same. And all the “no good” people felt equally an exception.
Here I have used the word “not good” people in place of bad people. Because I believe that people are not good or bad, but their intentions about us prove them good or bad in front of us.
If one person is proving to be good for you, then it is not necessary that he proves to be good to someone else as well. Then whatever caste he may belong to, then where did this caste distinction come from?
I have not understood one thing till today that after all, how can someone declare about someone’s caste that he is of high caste, he is of low caste? When the God who created man does not differentiate between them, then are we human beings even greater and better than that God?!?
The result of caste discrimination is presented to all of us today in the form of reservation. So when there was no reservation, then the situation was resolved? Are we today losing out promising people just because of reservation?
No, I completely disagree with this. People are often heard saying that due to reservation, ineligible persons reach a high place and keep rubbing their hands. But, I want to ask you that when there was no reservation, was it not so? The answer is clear- even when there was no reservation, the unqualified persons were placed in the higher position and the promising persons were denied that place by being termed as low caste.
Even before, people were adorned in places like ministers, general ministers, special advisors, etc. by sycophants and acquaintances. This is nothing new. The new thing will be when we all take a resolution that no man should be determined high or low by his caste or religion, but on the basis of his karma and his qualities.
When one goes out to see a boy or a girl for the marriage of his daughter or son, then keeping caste and religion aside, the right and fit person should be selected. Otherwise we will never be able to stop the separation and destruction of relationships.
If there is a proper decision and choice, then it should be on the basis of humanity, virtues and deeds, and not on the basis of caste, religion or degree. Whether that choice is for some position, prestige or to choose a life partner for his children.
If some such change comes in our society, then only the victory of humanity in true sense is possible.
~A noteworthy fact.
The setting sun (Part-1)

Bhumika along with her parents went to visit her grandparents in their village. She was very happy because Grandfather used to tell her many stories. Bhumika loved listening to stories.
On reaching the village, Bhumika and her parents touched the feet of the elders. Grandfather was going somewhere with a small bag. Bhumika stops him, goes up to him and requests him to walk with her. Grandfather took her with him to his farm.
Bhumika would have liked the green fields very much. Whenever she used to go to the village, she often used to go there with her grandfather. After reaching the farm, both talked a lot. As soon as evening came, Bhumika asked Grandfather to go home. Grandfather was lost in some thought smiling while looking at the sun. Bhumika lovingly asked him – “The setting sun is a symbol of failure, then why are you smiling at this setting sun?”
Grandfather smiled again and said – “Yes son. But, have you ever wondered why the setting sun looks more beautiful than the rising sun?” Bhumika nodded in no. Grandfather said – “When the sun rises, He is ready to do his work. The function of the sun is to provide light to human life. When he successfully completes his work throughout the day. Then while leaving, he is very relaxed.
This peace full of peace and coolness makes it even more beautiful. It is true that the brightness of the setting sun is less than that of the rising sun. But, his work done successfully and honestly gives it beauty even if it lacks luster.
We can take inspiration from this process to always wake up early in the morning and do our work with true passion, the satisfaction we get will make us more beautiful.” Inspired by the wisdom from Grandfather, Bhumika happily returns home with him. She left and as soon as she reached home, she started distributing the knowledge to everyone.